Wedding at Brobyværk Kro
Have the first day of the rest of your life at Brobyværk Kro.
Gældende 2025 – Bryllup er for min. 20 pers.
Free accommodation for the bride and groom
Includes room, (tablecloths), napkins, candles and greenery (standard table setting)
Purchase of upgrade on wines ad libitum 150,- per person
For weddings without a reception, a maximum of 8 hours is allowed (granted until 02.00)
Our skilled pastry chef is happy to help with your wedding cake
Free accommodation for the bride and groom
Includes room, (tablecloths), napkins, candles and greenery (standard table setting)
Snack til velkomsten +55,- pr. pers
Ekstra retter kan tilkøbes
Avec til kaffen fra 55,- pr. person
Ekstra times fri blød bar +95,- pr. person
Husets spiritus til bar +900, – pr. flaske
Drinksbowle 5 liter, vælg mellem Gin Hass, Dark´n Stormy, Cosmopolitan 1500,- pr. bowle
Specialduge/servietter kan tilkøbes
Dekorationer kan tilkøbes
Opgradering af vine kan tilkøbes
Medbragt bryllupskage efter aftale
When renting the entire house or accommodation for min. 30 pers. special price
Read more about the rooms here
Read more here
for corporate agreements